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Insert New Building

  1. Go to Operational Data (see Header Menu) > Service Quality Assurance > SITAC > Building.
  2. In Building List page, klik button
  3. In Create New SITAC Building form, 

    - Type Building Name
    - Select Building Management
    - Type keyword for building name or building address in Address field and then select. Long Lat field filled automatically.

    - Select Building Type field
    - Select Access 7x24 field (Apakah gedung bisa di akses setiap saat)
    - Type Tag Batch field
    - Type Procedure Access (Bagaimana prosedur akses di gedung tersebut)
    - Select SITAC PIC (Sudah di set Current login)
    - Type Installation Document field (Untuk kebutuhan instalasi, dokumen apa yang perlu disyaratkan BM)
    - Select Priority field (Set prioritas penanganan untuk BM tersebut)

  4. In PIC Building section, you can input many PIC.

  5. Klik button Save if have finished filling out this form.